If you’re a coffee lover or Starbucks fanatic like me, you may know that the Pumpkin Spice Latte made its grand return to the Starbucks menu this week, as it does every autumn. (It’s okay to cheer out loud – I did.) Welcome back, PSL! You are my fall in a tall paper cup. PS – I love you.
(kathryn lynn photography via flickr)
The below image came from a healthy living blog I stumbled upon recently called Eating Bird Food. It caught my eye because I have and LOVE that adorable coffee mug from Anthropologie! (Except mine has a K. 🙂 To find the $8 Homegrown Monogram Mug with your letter, click here.)
So I was thrilled by the colorful image of my favorite fall drink in my favorite mug, but then was pleasantly surprised as I continued scrolling and went on to read about Brittany’s budget friendly recipe for a Healthy Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte, as it would probably be a good alternative to my usual Starbucks PSL habit. 🙂 So thanks, Brittany! For the recipe, check out her post here.
In honor of all of the pumpkin spice-ness beginning this week, which for some marks the true beginning of fall, I bring you color inspiration from Design Seeds revolving around beautiful pumpkin hues. Drink up!
(pumpkin soup by design seeds)
(orange petals by design seeds)
(spiced palette by design seeds)
(autumn breeze by design seeds)
(produced hues by design seeds)
Gasp! I think I just heard a leaf change from green to orange. Maybe it was my imagination. Or maybe fall is really on it’s way!
Hope you all have a wonderful first weekend of September. See you next week! 🙂