Though the event came to an end a few short weeks ago, it feels like forever that I’ve been waiting to share with you all my work from the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Designer Showhouse! I hope you got a chance to experience the event in person and support the music and work of the ASO and ASO Guild. If you missed it, well, I can’t really get the whole experience back for you. But I can hopefully communicate a snippet of the wonderfulness through my room reveal this week!
This was the event program cover, featuring the Living Room by Terry Williams of Terry Williams Interiors. (Loved the green and coral scheme!) At Home in Arkansas and renowned photographer Nancy Nolan did such a wonderful job capturing the event through these beautiful and informational programs. Below is an excerpt from the program describing the room I designed, the Patio Bath.
I’d grown so attached to this project, I might have slightly lost sight of the fact that it was temporary, and for “show.” It nearly broke my heart to take apart the room that took months of dreaming, planning, and preparation. One by one the art came down, nail holes were filled, rug was rolled up… and within hours, it all vanished. Well not all of it. I left a few things, for the good of the room. 🙂
THANKFULLY, my space will live on forever through the treasure of photography! I am eternally grateful to the wonderful Karen E. Segrave of KES Photo for so beautifully and meticulously capturing my little oasis, so that I can keep it for always and share it with you. I will be sharing her immaculate photography work through the “after” photos of my room that will be revealed at the end of the week, so stay tuned!
Today I’ll leave you with a preview of my first meeting with the Patio Bath:
Though the space was already off to a great start, it was completely transformed by the time I was finished with it. I’ll be sharing my whole journey through the process with you in the next week, from the inspiration and drawings to the finished result! So excited!!
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